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نوشته شده در سه شنبه 21 خرداد 1398برچسب:,ساعت 22:47 توسط Lauren| |

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نوشته شده در سه شنبه 21 خرداد 1398برچسب:,ساعت 22:46 توسط Lauren| |

Priced Out: 15 Years of Gentrification in Portland, Oregon imdb id tt6719680 megavideo Part 1 Torrent Mojo


  • directed by Cornelius Swart
  • Country USA
  • reviews In the late 1990s, Nikki Williams, a single mother living in Portland's only "ghetto," embraced the idea of gentrification. At that time, her neighborhood was dominated by abandoned buildings and the fear of drug dealers. Fifteen years later, Nikki was one of the last black residents on her block, as high-end restaurants and throngs of young newcomers came to dominate the area. While some black residents said good riddance to the old neighborhood, others felt betrayed by city officials who promised revitalization without displacement. As gentrification grew beyond Nikki's neighborhood and plunged the entire city into a housing crisis, Nikki found herself torn between feelings of grief about the loss of her community and the opportunity to sell her home and achieve economic freedom for the first time in her life. In 2002, "NorthEast Passage" chronicled a neighborhood that embraced gentrification and fought off affordable housing. Over a decade later, the sequel "Priced Out" offers a complex view of gentrification rarely seen in conventional news coverage
  • Creators Cornelius Swart

Priced out: 15 years of gentrification in portland oregon news. The Truth About Hinduism Priced Out: 15 Years of Gentrification in Portland, oregon state university. Priced Out: 15 Years of Gentrification in Portland. Priced Out: 15 Years of Gentrification in Portland, oregon coast. Priced Out: 15 Years of Gentrification in Portland, oregon.

Priced out: 15 years of gentrification in portland oregon area. Priced out: 15 years of gentrification in portland oregon this weekend. Priced Out: 15 Years of Gentrification in Portland, oregon department.



نوشته شده در سه شنبه 21 خرداد 1398برچسب:,ساعت 22:45 توسط Lauren| |

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